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Special Exhibition
- Odilon Redon, Dream of light, luminous shadow
- 11 Jan. – 23 Mar.
- ZIPANGU Contemporary artists who have ran through the Heisei era
- 2 Nov. – 22 Dec.
- Masterpieces of Modern Japanese-style paintings
- 31 Aug. – 14 Oct.
- Technical Essence of Original Illustrations for Children's Books
- 6 July – 18 Aug.
- Finnish Lifestyle
- 6 Apr. – 2 June
- Kakimoto Kozo The World of Picture Books
- 11 Nov. – 14 Jan.2024
- Alfons Mucha Multitalented Artist
- 2 Sep. – 29 Oct.
- Horiuchi Seiichi Pictures and Artworks
- 1 July – 20 Aug.
- Picasso: The Blue Period and Beyond
- 4 Feb. – 28 May
- It might be Shinsuke Yoshitake's exhibition
- 23 Sep. – 20 Nov.
- THE SHIN-HANGA: The Great Endeavor of WATANABE Shōzaburō
- 16 July – 28 Aug.
- En route to Impressionism
- 21 May – 3 July
- WAKAYAMA Ken: the World of Picture Books
- 19 Mar. – 15 May
- OGUISS 120th Anniversary
- 3 Jan. – 13 Mar.
- 6 Nov. – 5 Dec.
- Henri Le Sidaner and Henri Martin
- 11 Sep. – 24 Oct.
- 17 July – 5 Sep.
- Arnold Lobel Alone Together
- 3 Apr. – 23 May
- Keiko Sena exhibition
- 8 Aug. – 22 Sep.
- 18 May – 5 July
- The ABC of the Impressionism
- 25 Jan. – 22 Mar.
- KISHIDA Ryusei Japanese Realism
- 9 Nov. – 13 Jan.
- Impressionism – Light and Memory
- 10 Aug. – 27 Oct.
- The World of Satoshi Kako
- 15 June – 4 Aug.
- Reading Leo Lionni, again.
- 20 Apr. – 2 June
- Charles-François Daubigny
- 3 Jan. – 24 Mar.
- Materpieces from the Bridgestone Museum of Art
- 13 Oct. – 16 Dec.
- The 40th Anniversary Exhibition from the Masterpieces of HMA
- 1 Sept. – 30 Sept.
- The World of Yanase Takashi
- 14 July – 26 Aug.
- Cats in the Art
- 21 Apr. – 24 June
- Alfons Mucha's Women
- 24 Feb. – 8 Apr.
- The World of Hiroshige UTAGAWA
- 3 Jan. – 12 Feb.
- Vlaminck
- 3 Nov. – 24 Dec.
- The Mark of Maki Sasaki
- 9 Sept. – 22 Oct.
- All Picture Book Works of Akiko Hayashi
- 15 July – 27 Aug.
- The Peter Rabbit™ Exhibition Celebrating The 150th anniversary of Beatrix Potter's birth
- 15 Apr. – 4 June
- Masterpieces from Musée des Beaux-Arts, Reims
- 11 Feb. – 26 Mar.
- "Fairest Flowers" by Pierre-Joseph Redoute
- 17 Dec. – 5 Feb.
- Anno's Picture book telling stories
- 22 Oct. – 11 Dec.
- Masterpieces from the Art Collection of Yasunari Kawabata
- 3 Sept. – 16 Oct.
- The 70th anniversary of Sazae-san The Best of Machiko Hasegawa
- 9 July – 21 Aug.
- VENICE : Five Centuries of the World's Most Alluring City from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- 9 Apr. – 12 June
- The Last Impressionists - Time of Intimacy
- 30 Jan. – 27 Mar.
- Ukiyo-es for Chushingura and Japanese Modern Paintings in Traditional Style
- 12 Dec. – 17 Jan.
- Wonderland of Mitsumasa Annos’ Paintings
- 31 Oct. – 6 Dec.
- Painters and their Paletes
- 5 Sept. – 18 Oct.
- Exposition Suzanne Valadon et Maurice Utrillo
- 11 July – 30 Aug.
- The National Treasures from the Mohri Family
- 25 Apr. – 31 May
- Normandy: Estuary of the Seine
- 28 Feb. – 12 Apr.
- Masterpieces of Western Style Paintings by Japanese Painters
- 13 Dec. - 22 Feb.
- Mitsumasa ANNO; A Painter Traveling in the World
- 25 Oct. - 7 Dec.
- Guri and Gura: 50th Anniversary Exhibition
- 6 Sept. - 13 Oct.
- The Japanese Modern Prints; The Art and Beauty
- 26 July - 31 Aug.
- 26 Apr. - 15 June
- 8 Mar. - 20 Apr.
- Masterpieces of Japanese-Style paintings
- 3 Jan. - 16 Feb.
- The Hague School - Intermediators from Barbizon to Van Gogh
- 19 Oct. - 23 Dec.
- Isamu Noguchi - Sources of his Art
- 20 July - 14 Oct.
- COLLECTION EXHIBITION Discovery @ Hiroshima Museum of Art
- 6 Apr. - 27 June
- Yuki Atae ~Artistic Dolls: Memorial of Showa-era
- 6 Apr. - 19 May.
- Andersen's Fairy Tale Award
- 2 Mar. - 2 Apr.
- Pierre-Joseph Redoute, Les Roses
- 15 Dec. - 11 Feb.
- Heizo Kanayama: A Retrospective
- 15 Sept. - 4 Nov.
- Henri Le Sidaner
- 7 July - 2 Sept.
- Sato Wakiko's original pictures of illustrated book
- 14 Apr. - 27 May
- Souko Ueda The world of the tea ceremony
- 11 Feb. - 25 Mar.
- Japanese Beauty Fujishima Takeji and Okada Saburōsuke
- 29 Oct. - 11 Dec.
- 55 years with miffy
- 16 July - 28 Aug.
- Hirakushi Denchu
- 23 Apr.- 5 June
- Image of the Seine: Impressionists and Japanese Painters
- 3 Jane - 27 Feb.
- Books in the Art History
- 2 Oct. - 7 Nov.
- Chihiro Iwasaki Exhibiton
- 24 July - 29 Aug.
- Bergian Painting between 1880 and 1940
- 4 Apr. - 28 May
- Toulouse-Lautrec et son cercle
- 13 Feb. - 22 Mar.
- Kuniyoshi Utagawa's Ukiyoe- the forty‐seven Ronin-
- 12 Dec. - 17 Jan.
- "Shirakaba"‐Pilots of Art in Modern Japan
- 13 Sept. - 25 Oct.
- Gomi Taro's illustrated book
- 1 Aug. - 6 Sept.
- The Intersection of Paintings and Photographs
- 6 June - 20 July
- World renowned Japanese tableware Old Noritake and Nostalgic Ceramics
- 6 Dec. - 1 Feb.
- Best Selections of Hiroshima Museum of Art2
- 4 Oct. - 30 Nov.
- Paris et les Parisiens (1830-1930)
- 12 July - 7 Sept.
- Rouault Matisse Correspondences
- 17 May - 29 June
- Songs in Praise of Rural Life The Nature and Man Relationship in Modern Art
- 3 Feb. - 6 Apr.
- à la carte of Ukiyoe in the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate
- 3 Jan. - 11 Feb.
- Hiroshi Noda Retrospective: Oil Paintings beyond Realism
- 15 Sept. - 21 Oct.
- YAMAOKA Collection+Hirohsima Museum of Art
- 7 July - 19 Aug.
- Paris est une fête les années 1920
- 31 Mar. - 6 May
- Napoleon Bonaparte The Spiritual and Cultural Legacy
- 2 Dec. - 14 Jan.
- KODOMO NO TOMO the original paintings of illustrated books
- 7 Oct. - 12 Nov.
- The Seiji Togo Memorial Sompo Japan Museum of Art Grand Prix and Chikako Ikeguchi
- 16 Sept. - 1 Oct.
- Modigliani, Picasso et leur époque
- 10 June - 16 July
- Rey Camoy
- 1 Apr. - 14 May
- I Tesori della Citta’ di Prato‐Tre-settecento
- 3 Jan. - 19 Feb.
- Unknown Story of Madern Art Masperpieces of European Art from The National Museum in Belgrade
- 3 Sept. - 6 Nov.
- Yasuo Kazuki
- 23 July -21 Aug.
- H. C. Anderden 2005 / Asia Official Exhibition
- 18 June - 13 July
- The forbidden fruit which is in the paintings
- 23 Apr. - 5 June
- The masterpieces of Ukiyoe
- 3 Jan. - 6 Feb.
- The Best Collection of Ishibashi Museum of Art
- 30 Oct. - 19 Dec.
- Van Gogh, Millet and The Barbizon Artists
- 24 Aug. - 17 Oct.
- The Exhibition Ryohei Koiso
- 25 June - 25 July
- Paris 1900 Brillance de la Belle Epoque
- 17 Apr .- 13 June
- Muneyoshi Yanagi and an article of folk handicraft
- 3 Jan. - 15 Feb.
- Best Selections of Hiroshima Museum of Art
- 1 Nov. - 14 Dec.
- Railways in Art: Inventing the Modern
- 21 Sept. - 26 Oct.
- The paintings of poemer
- 19 July - 17 Aug.
- Le Symbolisme idéaliste en France
- 24 May - 13 July
- The Courbet Exhibition
- 21 Mar. – 11 May
- Munakata Shikō
- 3 Jan. - 9 Feb.
- René Magritte
- 26 Oct. - 8 Dec.
- Maurice de Vlaminck/Katsuzo Satomi/Yuzo Saeki
- 3 Aug. - 15 Sept.
- Scandinavian Landscape Painting in the Nineteenth Century
- 8 June - 21 July
- Paul Signac vent d’Est sur la mer
- 6 Apr. - 6 May
- Trois Nobles Dames de France: Madame de Pompadour, Mria-Antoinette et Joséphine
- 5 Feb. - 24 Mar.
- The Exhibition of "Portrait of Chieko"
- 3 Nov. - 9 Dec.
- The Three woodblock artist; Hasegawa Kiyoshi, Hamaguchi Yozo, Komai Tetsuro
- 15 Sept. - 14 Oct.
- Odilon Redon entre rêve et mystère
- 7 July - 19 Aug.
- George Segal Retrospective: From the Artist’s Studio
- 21 Apr. - 3 June
- The Variety and Bounty of Old Imari
- 2 Mar. - 8 Apr.
- Edward Hopper
- 21 Oct. - 26 Nov.
- Robert CAPA Gold Medal Winners Exhibition
- 22 July - 20 Aug.
- Exposition Alfred Sisley
- 27 May - 2 July
- Exposition pour le 70e anniversaire de la mort Torajirô Kojima
- 8 Apr. - 14 May
- The Collections of Yamatane Museum of Art
- 29 Jan. - 27 Feb.
- Hoshi-Bldg. Collection Antique Dolls
- 20 Nov. - 10 Jan.
- Robert Capa Retrospective Exhibition
- 24 July - 26 Sept.
- Twentieth-Century Still-Life Paintings from The Philips Collection
- 22 May - 20 June
- Edvard Munch Prints from the Epstein Family Collection
- 10 Apr. - 16 May
- Old Master Paintings from The Dulwich Picture Gallery
- 27 Feb. - 4 Apr.
- The Best collections of Fukuyama Museum of Art
- 24 Oct. - 29 Nov.
- Masterpieces of European Painting from The Albright-Knox Art Gallery
- 8 Aug. - 13 Sept.
- Emile Gallé
- 30 May - 5 July
- Highlights from the collection of the Norman Rockwell Museum
- 18 Apr. - 17 May
- Marie Laurencin
- 28 Feb. - 12 Apr.
- Retrospective Maurice Utrillo
- 22 Nov. - 28 Dec.
- Tamara de Lempicka
- 2 Aug. - 31Aug.
- Kozo Mio
- 14 June - 27 July
- Manabu Mabe
- 26 Apr. - 25 May
- Le siècle de Victor Hugo
- 16 Nov - 23 Dec.
- Archaeology of the future city
- 23 Sept. - 4 Nov.
- Rétrospective Eugène Boudin
- 29 June - 11 Aug.
- Jacques-Henri Lartigue la retrospective d’un amateur genial
- 6 Apr. - 19 May
- Treasures from the National Portrait Gallery
- 10 Feb. - 31 Mar.
- Japanese and Japanese American Painters in the United States
- 25 Nov. - 28 Jan.
- Raoul Dufy
- 15 Sept. - 15 Oct.
- Les Femmes Impressionnistes Morisot, Cassatt, Gonzalès
- 16 Apr. - 21 May
- Rey Camoy
- 4 Mar. - 9 Apr.
- Disguised Vision
- 20 Dec. - 5 Feb.
- The Tokugawa Art Museum Collection Refined Elegance Japanese Traditional Esthetics
- 23 Sept. - 23 Oct.
- L’Empreinte et la gloire de Napoleon
- 8 Aug. - 4 Sept.
- Monet: A Retrospective
- 18 June - 31 July
- Picasso's copperplate print
- 19 Feb. - 21 Mar.
- Nicolas de Staël
- 4 Sept. - 17 Oct.
- JAGDA Peace Poster1993
- 24 July - 16 Aug.
- Koiso Ryohei
- 17 Apr. - 16 May
- British Landscape Paintings from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
- 23 Jan. - 7 Mar.
- The JAGDA Peace and Environment Poster Exhibition “I’m here.”
- 25 July - 16 Aug.
- Paris, Capitale de la photographi
- 4 Apr. - 10 May
- Glas Jugendstill und Art Déco
- 22 Jan. - 1 Mar.
- Matisse Retrospective
- 5 Oct. - 4 Nov.
- JAGDAPeace Poster1991
- 23 July - 18 Aug.
- World Impressionism and Pleinairism
- 22 June - 28 July
- The National Museum of Women in the Arts
- 4 Apr. - 6 May
- L’Arte di Corte a Urbino e a Pesaro(dai Montefeltro ai Della Rovere)
- 2 Jan. - 11 Feb.
- Masterpieces of Painting from The Victoria and Albert Museum
- 16 Nov. - 24 Dec.
- JAGDA Peace Poster1990
- 20 July - 12 Aug.
- The 50th Year Anniversary Exhibition of Alphonse Mucha
- 21 Apr. - 27 May
- Orientalism
- 2 Jan. - 12 Feb.
- Exposition Yuzo Saheki et les Peintres de l’Ecole de Paris
- 30 Sept. - 5 Nov.
- JAGDA Peace Poster1989
- 28 July - 20 Aug.
- Japanese Pottery
- 22 Apr. - 28 May
- Renoir Retrospective
- 17 Dec. - 12 Feb.
- Niederländische Malerei und Grafik des 17.Jabrbunderts
- 9 Sept. - 10 Oct.
- JAGDA Peace Poster1988
- 27 July - 21 Aug.
- The Best Collections of Tokyo University of the Arts
- 4 May - 29 May
- La Revolution Française et le Romantisme
- 1 Jan. - 28 Jan.
- Bernard Buffet
- 9 Aug. - 6 Sept.
- JAGDA Peace Poster
- 18 July - 7 Aug.
- Masterpieces of European Painting from the National Gallery in Prague
- 12 May - 14 June
- The Best Collections of Suntory Museum of Art
- 7 Mar. - 5 Apr.
- Tama Eleonora Ragusa
- 8 Nov. - 7 Dec.
- JAGDA Peace Poster
- 1 Aug. - 24 Aug.
- Masterpieces from the National Museum of Wales
- 21 June - 20 July
- Meisterwerke der Renaissance und des Barock
- 1 Jan. - 9 Feb.
- Retrospective de Paris Moderne
- 2 Nov. - 15 Dec.
- Japanese and American Peace Poster
- 1 Aug. - 1 Sept.
- Masterpieces of Modern Japanese-style painting from Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art
- 9 Mar. - 7 Apr.
- Klee, Kandinsky, Miró
- 5 Oct. - 4 Nov.
- Aristide Maillol
- 12 May - 17 June
- Musée de Bordeaux “de Rubens, Delacroix à Corot, Redon”
- 29 Oct. - 27 Nov.
- Marc Chagall
- 9 July - 10 Aug.
- Shigeru Aoki and the Late Victorian Art
- 3 June - 26 June
- Women in paintings
- 24 Oc.t - 23 Nov.
- Marie Laurencin
- 9 Sept. - 3 Oct.
- Figurations Revolutionnaires de Cézanne à aujourd’hui
- 22 May - 20 June
- The hidden treasure of NISHI Hongwanji
- 6 Mar. - 14 Apr.
- École de Paris
- 28 Oct. - 18 Nov.
- Exposition commémorative du centenaire de sa naissance PICASSO
- 30 May - 21 June
- Matisse et Ses Amis
- 14 Mar. - 5 Apr.
- The Best Collections of Bridgestone Museum of Art
- 31 Jan. - 8 Mar.
- Concreteness to Tomorrow Ⅱ
- 7 June - 6 July
- Lautrec's Paris
- 25 Aug. - 23 Sept.
- Concreteness to Tomorrow Ⅰ
- 14 Apr. - 25 Apr.