Hiroshima Museum of Art

Auguste RODIN

Auguste RODIN1840-1917

A French sculptor, who is considered the progenitor of modern sculpture. He made the realistic sculptures which represented the inside of the humans or objects, and let the tradition of the sculpture change completely. His innovative sculpture had a decisive influence on art in the 20th century.

Head of Balzac, Study for "The Monument of Balzac"
Tête de Balzac , étude pour "Le Monument Balzac"

1897 bronze 50.0*48.0*40.0 cm


The Burgher of Calais, 2nd Maquette
Étude pour Les Bourgeois de Calais , Zéme maquette

1885 bronze 68.5*140.0*110.0 cm


A Form of Dance - Lifting up Her Arm and Leaning Her Head Back
Une Forme de danse, levant le bras et se redressant la tête

pencil, watercolor on paper 41.5*28.5 cm